Advent Benedictine Spirituality Christ Divine Office Gospel Lectio Divina Liturgy Scripture Visitation

Visited by Hope.


Today’s gospel, the visitation, is one of my favourites. I’m always touched by the encounter of these two women as they both face unexpected and uncertain circumstances. I’m struck by Mary’s courage as newly pregnant she sets out on a dangerous journey to visit her cousin.

I’m touched by Elizabeth’s wisdom and insight as she faces the fulfilment of a dream she had given up on. They both life in difficult circumstances, their lives limited by the ever present threat of an occupying army. In the midst of so much uncertainty their encounter is a powerful witness to the reality of love, hope and trust. Full of joy and the Holy Spirit Elizabeth cries out:

“Blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled.”

In their challenging, and uncertain circumstances Mary and Elizabeth were able to hold fast to that promise, regardless of appearances to the contrary. We’re living through uncertain times ourselves, more challenging than I’ve ever known or could have imagined.

We can’t ignore or underestimate the effect that has on us. Yet, like Mary and Elizabeth, even in those circumstance we are called to live with hope and trust. We are called to discover God’s promise for us today and to trust it will be fulfilled in ways we beyond our imaginings.

Where are you called to trust in God’s promise today?