What is ‘Heritage Open Days’?
From the Heritage Open Days website:–
‘Heritage Open Days’ is England’s largest community led festival of history and culture, involving thousands of local volunteers and organisations. Every year in September it brings people together to celebrate their heritage, community and history. Stories are told, traditions explored, and histories brought to life. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all FREE.

Heritage Open Day Event at All Saints Church, Turvey
Every year ‘Heritage Open Days’ chooses a different theme. In 2023 the theme was ‘Creativity Unwrapped’. Aware that there is no shortage of creativity in Turvey, past or present, the Turvey History Society decided to join in and mount a Heritage Open Day Event at All Saints Church, Turvey during the weekend of 9th and 10th September.
The event was a great success, just under 300 people attended over the weekend. Even the weather was creative, Saturday was one of the hottest days of the year, and on Sunday afternoon a downpour of rain accompanied by a high wind threatened to blow away the gazebo.
Photos etc will be posted on the Turvey History website:–
Turvey Abbey at the Heritage Open Day Event
Our contribution celebrated creativity both past and present at Turvey Abbey.
On the display boards:–
- The Abbey Building
- The Chapels past and present
- The Studio, including a wall-hanging and its work-tracing
- Tribute to Sr Regina’s contribution to artwork
In the South aisle:–
- Icon painting by Sr Esther
- Hand-made cards by Sr Miriam
- Hand-painted tiles by Sr Beatrix
- The model of the Abbey made by Andrew Coles
The material from our contribution can be found here in the ‘Heritage Open Day 2023’ category of posts.