1920 – 2001
Sr Regina, Dutch by birth, was an accomplished artist—and a keen gardener. At Turvey she created most, but not all, of the designs and work-drawings for the studio.
Her art work was published by both ‘Pauline Books and Media’ and ‘McCrimmon Publishing Company’. Her posters remain popular and are still available—they can be found all over the world, the older ones under the name ‘Benedictine Nuns of Cockfosters’. McCrimmon commissioned her to create clip art designs for dozens of saints, and one for every Sunday Gospel in the three-year cycle of the liturgical year—these are available on CD from McCrimmon online shop.
She did illustrations for various publications, including the ‘Methodist Worship Book Communion Services’—indeed, her work crossed boundaries and was commissioned by many different Christian groups.
Sr Regina wasn’t daunted by any unusual requests, once doing a very large painting on hessian by hanging it up from one of the tapestry rails in the hall at the Abbey (see photo below). Whilst some members of the community were concerned for her safety, she finished the job without incident.
She was a person of vibrant faith grounded in her belief in the resurrection of Jesus. Her artwork continues to bring joy and hope to our world.
clip art by Sr Regina