Icon Painting Courses at Turvey Abbey

Icon Painting Courses at Turvey Abbey

Whilst we are no longer running icon courses, individual icon painting tuition is available—and is proving very popular. Please contact Sr Esther for details: icons@turveyabbey.org.uk

What is Icon Painting?

“Because humankind is made in the image and likeness of God, there is something divine about the act of painting an icon.”
(St Theodore the Studite)

Icon painting is a meditative, prayerful painting of an image that aims to depict the true inner likeness of Christ, Mary or the saints. Icons express the future unity of the whole of creation and are a visible manifestation of humankind’s spiritual power to redeem creation through beauty and art. By painting an icon we seek to express the Divine nature with which Christ is endowed and the inner spiritual reality which animates the saints.

For more information about iconography, please visit our Iconography page

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