Live Streaming
We are live streaming Vespers.
Vespers is at 5.45 on weekdays, and 5.30 on Sundays.
The Ordinary Time words (A5, pdf), are also available, right hand column (or at the bottom of page on a narrow screen)
also the Magnificat Antiphons for Saturday and Sunday in Ordinary Time
For feasts and Solemnities the links are given below the YouTube link
Fourth Week in Ordinary Time (Week B)
Saturday, 1st February
First Vespers of the Presentation of The Lord in the Temple
Sunday, 2nd February
Second Vespers of the Presentation of The Lord in the Temple
Monday, 3rd February
Tuesday, 4th February
Wednesday, 5th February
St Agatha
Thursday, 6th February
St Paulk Miki and Companions
Friday, 7th February
Fifth Week in Ordinary Time (Week A)
Saturday, 8th February
First Vespers of the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, 9th February
First Vespers of Saint Scholastica
Monday, 10th February
Second Vespers of Saint Scholastica
Tuesday, 11th February
Wednesday, 12th February
Thursday, 13th February
Friday, 14th February
Saints Cyril and Methodius
On the following Mondays there will be NO VESPERS in our chapel:–
24 February
17 March
28 April
Ordinary Time
Please note:–
On memorias, the hymn, responsory and Magnificat Antiphon is different.
On feasts and solemnities the psalm structure is different as well.
Some hymns cannot be shared because of unresolved copyright issues.
We are grateful for permission to live stream the Grail Psalter (1963)