Benedictine Spirituality Uncategorized

Choosing the better part

Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

Zeal is an important #Benedictine word. St Benedict devotes the central chapter of the rule to good zeal. Recognising its complexity, he divides it into two. There are, he tells us, two kinds of zeal. There is a wicked zeal that leads us to bitterness and away from God, and a good zeal that draws us towards God and eternal life. We are called to exercise good zeal and distance ourselves from wicked zeal. As both are recognised by their fruits St Benedict takes a practical approach, describing the good zeal that we are to strive for:

“They should each try to be the first to show respect to the other, supporting with the greatest patience one another’s weaknesses of body or behaviour… No one is to pursue what they judge best for themselves but what they judge better for another.”

He gives us a very clear and practical idea of what good zeal looks like in daily life. It’s a constant striving to be respectful, charitable and patient with one another. It’s a call to put ourselves aside, putting others’ needs before our own in both the big and small situations that arise. It requires us to make a choice.

However zealous we are in practising and proclaiming our faith if it doesn’t make these virtues of patience, respect and kindness a reality in our lives it’s not the good zeal that will lead us to God.

How are you being called to find ways of practising good zeal in your life?